Archiv des Autors: AE
Der Herbst ist da!
Mini Saxophon

Miniature Saxophon made of miniature Lego bricks. In fact not Lego but nano block. Have a look, how tiny the bricks are: The set is 10,50 Euros. The bricks come in a zip-lock-alike bag with a manual. … Weiterlesen
Schneller Tee

Though it’s March, it is still cold season. Maybe this tea will do the trick. Even when not, the tea is delicious! Give it a try! My recipe is: about 4 slices of fresh … Weiterlesen
Sticken im Sommer | summer knitting
Heißluftballons | Balloon Sail
Kieler Woche
Regenbogen | Rainbow

After rain comes sun shine … somtimes even a rainbow. Here in Kiel you get it all at once! Above the bright rainbow, there is really soft the second. A minute after that, only half of the rainbow … Weiterlesen
Dinosaurier | Dinosaurs
Schmuck | Jewellery

I like jewellery, and I also like making jewellery. Here is what I made recently: I made a set of stitch markers including a matching pendant with Egypt beads, a pair of bird earrings (also Egypt beads), an a … Weiterlesen