Gerade Bohren

Genau senkrecht bohren ist nicht so einfach, vor Allem wenn man zuverlässig viele parallele Löcher benötigt.

Münzgussformen: Holzstücke mit Löchern

Die Reflektion des Bohrers in einer CD oder DVD kann helfen, den Bohrer gerade zu halten. Es ist einfach zu erkennen, ob die Reflektion gerade zur Bohrmaschine läuft:

Die Reflektion der Bohrmaschine in der CD oder DVD hilft beim gerade Bohren.

Doch vor Allem bei vielen Bohrungen ist es schwierig jedes mal perfekt zu bohren, und kostet Zeit. Dafür gibt es günstige Tischbohrer bzw. Säulenbohrmaschinen. Beispielsweise gibt es für 50-60€ Mini-Tischbohrmaschinen für kleine Arbeiten (150-350 Watt).

Für anspruchsvollere Arbeiten gibt es Tischbohrmaschinen ab ca. 100€ im Baumarkt. Über Retoura oder eBay kann man günstig z.B. Parkside (Lidl) 700-800w Tischbohrmaschinen erwerben. Diese sind bei weitem nicht perfekt, doch für gelegentliche Bastelprojekte mehr als ausreichend.

Senkbohrmaschine/Tischbohrmaschine für ca. 70€.

Senkbohrmaschine/Tischbohrmaschine mit Laser


Die günstigen Bohrmaschinenaufsätze (15-40€) taugen in der Regel leider nicht mal für gelegentliche Nutzung. Alternativ kann man auch zwei Kanthölzer zu einem 90° Winkel der Länge nach zusammenschrauben, um eine Art Führung herzustellen. Diese nutzt sich aber durch den Bohrer relativ schnell ab.

Viel Erfolg!

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Lifehack: Automatischer Radiergummi

Ein Bleistift lässt sich prima in einen Akkuschrauber einspannen. Nie wieder lästiges Radieren längerer Passagen per Hand!


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3D Druck

In den letzten 2 Jahren hat sich viel rund um den 3D-Druck getan- leider nicht im Blog 🙂

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Gerührt, nicht geschüttelt- Farbwechsel-Cocktail (2)
Color changing Cocktail (2)

(Link to the first part of this experiment)

Color changing cocktail – Baltic Sunset! Final mix 🙂

Fill the glass with sand, add a piece of sky, and that’s it!


This is the color changing cocktail (non-alcoholic), as we served it during the birthday party.

It’s made with

– one part (~10ml) of elder-flower syrup with a bit of lemon juice and sugar (~1tbsp per 15ml),

– four parts (40ml) of sugar water (~1tbsp per 150ml)

– two to four parts (20-40ml) of diluted Butterfly-pea-flower-tea


You can make the bottom transparent using different ingredients and slightly less sugar. E.g. citric acid instead of lemon, filtered and diluted lemon juice…

Also, you can put in a Physalis fruit, depending on the sugar content, it will hover above or on layer 1. After you stir it and the sugar content equalizes, it will set to the bottom. There’s a setting sun for you.

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Rose Zerdeppern- Flüssigstickstoff für Arme
Rose bits (Poor man’s liquid nitrogen)

I had some dry ice left over, after buying some for my birthday cocktail “workshop”. I’ve seen several videos using acetone and dry ice to cool stuff down, but instead of acetone, I was wondering if alcohol would work too. I only had larger amounts of ethanol, so I tried that instead.

Dipping a rose into dry-ice (-60°C min) cooled ethanol and crushing it

Waited a bit long, but as it’s not as cold as liquid nitrogen, I wanted to make sure it’ll work.

Liquid nitrogen is about -200°C, while dry ice (CO2) not quite -80°C.
But dry ice is widely available and to some degree safer, too.

Fog from pouring ethanol over dry ice

Dry ice “boiling” in warm ethanol (room temperature)

Things to try: With actual alcohol I could try making “dragon’s breath” whipped cream. Sadly, it would not be safe for kids this way, but easier to achieve than with liquid nitrogen (lacking a source and all).

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Fußball Stadion, Snacks & Cocktails!
Soccer snacks & cocktails!


Schichten-Cocktail mit den beiden Teamfarben (Alkoholfrei).
Layered Cocktails with both team-colors (non-alcoholic).

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Soccer snacks & cocktails!

Buntes Briefpapier durch Rasierschaum!
(colorful paper using shaving foam)

You can create colorful paper with shaving foam and food coloring!
As you can re-use the same foam, you’ll get the same pattern for a bunch of sheets. Ideal for invitations!

  • Put a big dab of shaving cream onto a plate or tray
  • Use a strip of cardboard to create a planar surface
  • Add a few drops of food coloring (not too much!)
  • If you want, create swirls with cotton swaps!

  • Gently press the paper into the foam
  • Lift it from one side
  • Use squeegees to remove excess foam/color
  • While it’s not really wet, let it dry a bit

And that’s it! Colorful paper for birthday invitations or decorating.
Let the foam dry and wipe with paper towel.



The foam is slightly hydrophobic (water repelling). Only the water-based food coloring will transfer onto the paper.

Advice: Use “Sensitive” foam. Not Gel. For the food-coloring, use cups and pipettes (or straws). Do not use too much food coloring, it’ll make things too liquid and ruin the paper!

Have fun!

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20 Cent Lichtschwert (Lightsaber)

Super easy, super cheap lightsabers!    (Sorry for the bad pictures)

Made out of folders, tape, and a coin battery with LED.


Cut the clear sheet off the black folder, and divide it into two long pieces.

Similar with the black part, just two short pieces.

Cut off the insert and the part with the metal- Leave the seam.

Use a ~20mm pipe or similar to roll the plastic around. Tape the transparent ones tightly. The black ones not as tightly.  Tape the transparent ones together with a centimeter or so overlapped.

Use the parts with the seam as top and bottom of the handle.

Wrap the paper inlay part around the shaft as “leather” decoration.

Add the metal part or cut out “buttons” for decoration- Done! 🙂



  • A 9 LED flashlight iluminates the saber better than the coin-cell with LED and is relatively cheap ($1).
  • Gift wrapping (ideally transparent) looks nice, too
  • Double sided tape (small roller) is ideal for the blade-seam, makes it less obvious, but does not hold the black plastic together reliably (unrolls after a day or so).
  • Tinfoil for decoration (better copper or aluminum tape)


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Farbwechsel-Cocktails (Color changing cocktails)

…more of a Lemonade, actually. 🙂

For AE’s birthday I’ve come up with this neat little sugary cocktail.
AE’s birthday Baltic Sunset!
A blue haze hovering in the glass: Stir it, and the whole drink turns bright red.

It kind of reminds me of a drink featured in Star Trek TNG, but this one is far easier to make and doesn’t evaporate if mixed incorrectly 🙂

You need:
– Lemon juice
– red cabbage juice – a natural PH indicator
– Baking soda (not a baking powder mix)
– Sugar
– Three mixing containers
– Pipette or syringe

1) Put a little cabbage juice into a glass/container, and mix it with soda until it’s blue or even green.
2) Mix a lot of sugar into lemon juice in another glass.
3) In container #3, mix the same amount of water with half sugar

4) Dilute the cabbage juice mix with water. The more, the less the Soda will influence the taste, but it won’t be as vibrant.

5) Pour the sugar lemon mix into a thin/tall glass.
6) Use a syringe or pipette to slowly pour the sugar water on-top. The difference in sugar concentration results in a lower density, so while transparent, the layers of the lemon and water will not mix. You could even ad a different color to the bottom or have a grape hovering between layers! Make sure to create a large second layer of sugar water, as it will separate the lemon-juice from the cabbage-juice. If those mix, the color reaction will happen prematurely.
7) Carefully add the cabbage juice layer on-top of it all. It has the lowest sugar density and thus stays on-top. Either dilute it or don’t use too much, as Soda has a salty/soapy taste, and the lemon juice has to hide that later.

You can !slowly! move the glass without the layers mixing, but ideally, prepare close to where it’s served.


STIR and the color will change from blue to a bright red (depending on the acidity).
It will even fuzz a bit.
The cabbage doesn’t really influence taste, the soda will.

In the video, you’ll see a purple, redish layer under the blue haze, even before stirring. This is because no matter how carefully you ad the blue layer, it won’t perfectly spread on-top, but does mix a bit. Thus a thick “sugar water layer” is needed to prevent that.

Have fun! 🙂

Here some videos! 🙂 Prototype tests, not decorated. Add straws, umbrellas, sugar brim…

Reverse recipe:


Blue->Turquoise->Red (Still experimenting, doesn’t quite work yet. Should get more green-ish)

Another Addition:
More successful multi-color attempt

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Stampfraketen (Stomp rockets)

Hi! 🙂

In the past, I’ve made water bottle rockets, rubber band cup rockets, blowpipe-parachute-rockets, baking soda lid launchers and combustion cans, but here’s another fun and inexpensive rocket project!

Hardware-store-pipe-bottle-stomp-rockets! 🙂

There are several great stomp rocket projects, but here in Germany, hardware-store parts (and tube diameters) differ. So I came up with my own solution. It’s also rather cheap (as the students should be able to take their build home).

Here are links to English sources:

– This was the main inspiration, but I did not get the exact parts and reduced my cost;
– Another one:

I used:
– Pipe: M20 wire installation pipe 20cm: 8 Eurocents (Works with 15cm as well)
– Angle: Flexible pipe 50cm: 9.5 Eurocents (Works fine with 40cm as well) – or 90 deg angle piece
– Connection: Coupler… or a lot of tape 🙂
– Bottle: PET. Small rigid bottle worked better than the big thin flimsy bottle.
– Stick: Shashlik-Skewers are a bit weak but only cost a fragment of a cent. Cotton candy sticks 3.5 Eurocents work well but do break. Coat-hanger wire is another idea. Attach with tape or zip-ties!

With the angle-piece and connectors it looks better, but doesn’t necessarily fly better.

– Rockets: Paper, perhaps plastic as the edges will wear out quickly. Reinforce with tape, keep scissors ready.

Make sure to sand off the edges of the cut pipe pieces! Ideally use thicker paper.

Tightly wrap a fourth of a A4 page around a piece of M20 pipe. Thicker, glossy paper doesn’t wear as fast. Tape the roll. Fold the top over and tape it shut. Ad fins and such if you’d like. Note: Perhaps use thin plastic instead in the future.

And that’s about it. Stick it into the ground, and stomp! Make sure to blow air into the bottle before the next launch (wrap your hand around it to avoid contact with other kid’s drool 🙂 )

Edit: Duckt-Tape to fix things and patch ruptured bottles. Paper, tape and spare bottles are useful, too. 🙂

Perhaps I’ll glue the flexible tube to bottle-caps for a quick and easy swap.

Ideas for the future: Wrap rockets slightly conical in order to more easily get them onto the tube?

(Not easy to see on this image, but the right one is a symetrical tube. As the end is flattened it looks broader. The left ones look symetrical, as the flattened end and their smaller end-diamter kind of even out visually. The bottom lefto ne works best, as it’s conical nature is more subtle. It still fits snug on the tube, but the larger opening is easier to slide over the tube).


Update 2:

In order to be able to swap the bottles more easily, and to avoid using expensive adapters, it’s best to cut a hole into a bottle cap and attach the hose:

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